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Highlander's Guardian Page 13
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Page 13
“Rest if you need to.”
“Nay, I wish to talk with you some more.” Still, she closed her eyes and snuggled against him. Calm descended and she slowly drifted, the man she loved at her back and the future she’d always longed for within her reach.
He was the air she breathed and the man she lived for.
* * * *
Holding Annie safe and close in his arms brought such peace to Colin’s soul. The destination he rode toward though did not. He too would have preferred to continue on to Mull, but that option wasn’t possible with Ian and Murdock still awaiting his arrival at the faerie stones.
Night descended, the sun dipping below the horizon and sending a final flare of red across the sky. It bathed the palace in a fiery glow as they neared.
Annie stirred, blinked her eyes open and smiled at him. “We’re back already?”
“Aye.” He trotted through Holyrood’s gates and pulled his horse to a stop outside the stables. “You clearly needed the rest.”
“Annie!” Elizabeth hurried across the courtyard in a flurry of forest green skirts, the loose wisps of her auburn hair having escaped her high top knot fluttering around her face.
He dismounted and swung Annie down beside him. “I will see you inside, soon. Go with your aunt.”
“Are you sure?”
“That’s an order.”
“All right. Be careful.” She kissed his cheek then raced toward her aunt. The two women embraced with an excited squeal then Elizabeth steered Annie inside.
He handed his horse’s reins to the stable hand as across the bailey, the captain of the king’s guard strode toward them in his finely cut uniform.
The man tugged the dark cuffs of his coat as he passed his narrowed gaze over the restrained MacDonalds still slung over their saddles. He stopped in front of him and Rory. “’Tis good to see you’ve captured the men who kidnapped your ward, although there is only two. What happened to the rest of the MacDonald warriors?”
“They refused to submit in battle, and ’twas either their lives or ours.” Rory motioned toward Hugh and Fergus. “I’d appreciate it if you ensured they remain in your cells until the king decides their fate.”
“I’ll see to it immediately.” The captain gestured for one of his men to take the MacDonalds. “Unfortunately the king left no’ long after you did. There’s unrest at the borders that demanded his immediate attention.”
“What of the three chiefs?” Rory asked. “Has the king concluded his negotiations with Lachlan MacLean and Donald and Angus MacDonald?”
“I’m afraid those talks have gone on hold until the king returns.”
“Is Lachlan still in the tower?” Colin asked the king’s captain.
“He now resides in a locked chamber in the main palace, although under heavy guard as the MacDonalds do.” His gaze narrowed. “Are you aware an attempt to free your chief was made at midnight during the ball’s unmasking?”
“My ward was abducted around that time and I was rather busy riding across the country.”
“Three of the tower guardsmen were disabled with spiked ale a maid brought them.” He palmed the hilt of his sword, suspicion clouding his gaze. “The remaining guard identified the assailants as Malcolm and Munroe MacLean. Do you know of them?”
“I’ve no’ seen them since I left Duart. I wasnae even aware they’d traveled to Edinburgh.”
“The gate guardsmen also confirmed two warriors wearing MacLean plaids rode out no’ long after midnight, mayhap a half hour afore you and your party did.”
“Then that must have been the culprits.” Ian and Murdock had done their job in diverting suspicion from him and Arthur. Thank heavens.
Arms crossed, Rory glared at the captain. “Colin was also with me at the time of the unmasking, right afore we spent the rest of the night chasing Hugh MacDonald.”
“Then I apologize, but of course I had to ask.” The captain nodded at them both. “I wouldnae be doing my duty otherwise.”
“Then you’ve asked, but now allow us on our way.” Rory slanted his head. “Unless you have other urgent business you need to speak of.”
“There is none. I bid you both a good night.” The captain joined his guardsman and together they both hauled Hugh and Fergus away.
“Thank you.” Colin clapped Rory on the back.
“I cannae have you behind bars. That would cause Annie distress, something I’d never tolerate.” He clasped Colin’s forearms. “Look after her. She holds a special place in my heart, just as her parents did.”
“I give you my word that I’ll guard her with my life.”
“Then I’ll also have your promise you’ll bring her home to Dunvegan for the Twelfth Night and Yule celebrations. Elizabeth and my sister will never forgive me if she’s no’ there.”
“We’ll come.” He grinned and stepped back. “Rest well, Rory.”
“Aye, you too.”
He would only rest once Annie was back in his arms.
Hurrying, he collected his belongings from his chamber and strode to Annie’s room. ’Twas time to court his wife, and make her his in every way.
Chapter 8
“I’m sorry you’ve been so worried, Elizabeth.” Annie paced her chamber, wishing she hadn’t left Colin. ’Twas too soon to have him out of her sight after all she’d gone through.
“I cannae believe Hugh MacDonald’s nerve. That man deserves all that is coming to him.” Elizabeth stepped in front of her, her voice harsh but still a whisper with her maid in the room. “What did he want from you?”
“He intended to force my hand, to take me as his wife once we reached Dunscaith.” She shuddered and rubbed her cold hands together.
“Despicable man.” She pulled her into another hug and patted her back. “We’ll have you warm soon enough, my dear.”
At a knock on the door, Maggie rose from where she stoked the fire, dusted her hands on her white aproned skirts and opened the door. A servant entered with a tray and set it on the side table while two barefoot lads with sooty imprints on the knees of their breeches heaved a tub in and set it before the hearth. They all left along with her maid to fetch the water.
“Sit.” Elizabeth pulled out a chair. “Warm food in your belly will be good for you.”
For Elizabeth’s sake, she selected a morsel of salmon and took a bite. The roasted potato and seasoned vegetables looked delicious, but she couldn’t manage them when her belly was still in revolt with worry for Colin. She pushed the plate away. “I’ll eat more once Colin is here.”
“He’ll be fine.” Elizabeth’s gaze softened. “I’ve heard the two men who attempted to free Lachlan were sighted riding out afore Colin and Rory took off in pursuit of you. They wore MacLean plaids.”
“Oh, you should have said sooner. That is good news.” Ian and Murdock must have provided an alibi for Colin and Arthur. “I wonder if Colin knows?”
“If he does no’, then he will soon enough.”
At another knock, Elizabeth opened the door and the maids returned along with the lads, each carrying a steaming pail of water. They filled the tub, and heat pulsed through the room. “We’ll let you bathe and rest.” Elizabeth squeezed her hands. “I’ll see you in the morn.”
“Aye, in the morn.” She shut the door after they all filed out, her troubled thoughts more at ease after hearing Elizabeth’s news.
Perhaps a bath would relax her further. She tugged her riding boots and stockings off then quickly shed her clothes and sank into the glorious water. ’Twas wonderful and warmed her through. She dunked her head and when she came up, Colin stood inside the room, his molten gold gaze roaming over her.
“You’re free?”
“Ian and Murdock ensured that, as well as Rory who just vouched for me.”
“And Hugh and Fergus?”
“In the cells.”
“Then all is well?” She eased back against the rim, her breasts bobbing along the surface.
“Aye, although I’m feel
ing rather achy.” He knelt at the tub’s edge, cupped one of her breasts and stroked the pebbled tip. “I’m hungry.”
“There’s food on the table.”
“Nay, my love, ’tis you holds the feast I need, and I cannae stay here while you’re in there.” He kicked off his boots and removed his padded cotun and tunic. His tanned chest and rippling abs gleamed under the dancing firelight.
“I’ve never bathed with a man afore.” She squirmed back against the rim to make more room for him.
“I should hope no’, otherwise we’ll need to have words.” He lifted a brow as he gripped the waistband of his leather trews. A delicious tease of dark hair narrowed down his rigid belly and disappeared below. Now she hungered too, every inch of her.
“Mmm, watching you undress is a pleasure all unto itself.”
“Then I best no’ disappoint you.” He shoved his black trews down his thickly muscled thighs and stepped out of them. His cock bobbed free and brushed his belly, rigid and hard and all hers. Sloshing the water, he stepped in and eased down. His gaze smoldered as he nabbed the soap and lathered it. “What would you like me to clean first? Your ticklish toes?”
“If you touch my toes, I’ll kick you.” She’d been six and he twelve when he’d first discovered how ticklish she was there. One summer’s day when he’d been aiding her into the saddle, his fingers had slid between her bare toes and she’d squealed and jumped so high, she’d flown right over her horse and landed on the hard ground instead. He’d raced around to check on her, but seeing she was fine, had grinned and begun tickling her in earnest. She’d laughed so hard until tears had streamed from her eyes.
“Mayhap later then. I like hearing your giggles.” He lifted her feet over his shoulders then nabbed the soap and stroked her calves and inner thighs until bubbles abounded.
She sank back, her head against the rim and her blond hair swirling around her. His hands smoothed over her hips and along her back, his touch so decadently delicious.
“Annie,” he whispered, his heated gaze on hers. “You’re so beautiful. I cannae believe you’re all mine.”
“As you’re all mine.”
“And I always will be.” He swished her hair away from her breasts and caressed them.
“Never stop touching me.” A fiery tingle radiated from the sensitive tips.
“I never intend to.” With his hands on her sides, he lifted her out of the water and sat her astride his hips. He trailed kisses along her jaw and neck then trailed down and licked her nipples, first one and then the other.
“I need to touch you too.” She reached under the water, skimmed her fingers along his cock and stroked him in long pulls, eager to give him the same pleasure he gave her.
“Too much,” he groaned. “I’ll never be able hold on if you do that.”
“Aye, but that’s what I want, for you no’ to hold on.” She nuzzled his neck, drew the soft skin deep inside her mouth and sucked as she pumped him harder.
“Oh hell.” He shifted restlessly underneath her. “That feels so good. You have magical hands and a magical mouth.” He dipped one finger through her curls and caressed her clit.
She moved up onto her knees and guided his cock to her folds. Using his plump head, she massaged it along her entrance, back and forth until she wriggled and squirmed for more. “What do I do?”
“We need a bed.” He wrapped his arms around her, rose out of the tub and carried her to the mattress. With their wet bodies sliding together, he laid her down on the soft brown fur and took her mouth in a ravenous kiss.
Goodness. He was hard, very hard, and nothing separated them any longer. Not the danger of Colin freeing his chief or a MacDonald intent on kidnap. She wound her fingers into his dark locks and pushed her hips toward him. “Show me what it’s like to join as one.”
“They’ll be a pinch of pain, but I’ll bring you pleasure afore that happens.” He looked into her eyes as he plunged one finger deep inside her. He kissed her and she bucked as he stroked, harder and faster until he curled his finger into a spot that had her arching for more.
She rocked against him, her pulse jumping out of rhythm as desire and need bolted through her. Aye, pleasure. He always gave her pleasure.
* * * *
Colin had longed for Annie every moment of their separation, to join with her and make her his in every way. Now her soft moans were driving every rational thought from his head. Kissing her, tasting the delectable recesses of her mouth had his cock throbbing for release.
Still stroking her below, he slid down her body. He traced her skin with his mouth and tongue, gorged himself on her full breasts and sucked her pebbled nipples until she cried out for more.
“I want to make you come, Annie, over and over until you cannae breathe for the pleasure.” He feasted on her creamy flesh as he glided down to her entrance where he longed to taste her.
Blood pounding, he lowered his head to her clit and razzed the tip with his teeth. She was his, always his, and his mind went dark with lust as he smoothed his hands along her inner thighs and opened her up more fully for his touch. He drank her in, allowing his desperate need for her to consume him.
“I have to touch you too.” With the softest caress, she stroked his shaft, her thumb swiping seductively over the head, and his cock pounded at him to take her.
“Annie, have mercy.”
“Nay, I want you, now.”
Aye, he couldn’t hold on any longer. With his hands on her hips, he lifted her to him and moved between her legs. He teased his cock along her slick folds and then covering her mouth with his, kissed her until she arched into him.
“I love you.” He pushed against her thin barrier, tore through her innocence and plunged deep inside her.
“Oh.” She sighed into his mouth, clutched his butt and pulled him in even deeper. “You feel so good, like there isnae an inch of me no’ filled with you.”
“Aye, we are one.” He lifted up then slowly pushed back in. “From this day forth.”
She kissed him and he pounded harder and deeper.
His thoughts flew as she raked his back and cried his name. Then he was lost as her inner muscles tightened and dragged him in. He roared, his release exploding violently along with hers as he spilled his seed deep within her.
’Twas a perfect union, as if his soul had locked tight with hers for all time.
“My wife,” he whispered as he kissed her again. “I will never let you go.”
* * * *
Annie stretched on the fur covers then jerked as something tickled her feet. “Colin,” she growled, still half asleep even though bright morning sunshine beamed into her chamber. “Stop right there.”
At the end of her bed, he stood with a grin on his face. “You are so easy to tease.”
“You’re naked and holding a tray.”
“Aye, but I didnae leave here to fetch this without clothing. You didnae even hear me return.” He strolled around the bed, set the tray on the mattress between them then sprawled on his side and faced her. From between two slices of apple pastry and cream, he plucked a white rose free and passed it to her. “For you.”
“’Tis beautiful.” She breathed the sweetly perfumed fragrance in.
“I snuck out to the king’s garden then on my way back, begged the cook for a treat. I know how you adore your apple pastry.” He leaned in and kissed her bare shoulder, his cock twitching and lengthening as he did.
“It looks delicious.” She chose one of the pastry slices and bit into it. So sweet. She gobbled another mouthful and the cream on top oozed and plopped onto her chest.
“Wait. Allow me.” He shifted the tray to one side, cupped her breasts and gently licked her flesh.
“Stop pinching my food.”
“When it lands on you, ’tis mine.” He swiped his finger through the cream on the other pastry and smeared a line from her breasts to her belly. “And this is how I prefer to eat mine.”
“Colin, you cannae do that.
” He stretched over top of her and her heartbeat raced.
“Oh, I assure you, I can.” After kissing along the trail, he dipped his tongue around her belly button and drifted lower. With her legs spread, he settled between then then coated her clit with another swipe of cream. The cool delicacy melted against her hot flesh.
She squeezed her eyes shut as he suckled and probed with his tongue and sent a wave of intense sensations thrumming through her. “I never knew you could be so wicked.”
“Only with you,” he rumbled as he feasted.
“That feels so good.” Desire pooled and every flick of his tongue over her nub built her orgasm higher. Such torture, yet of the most exquisite kind. “Come inside me. I want to be filled with you.”
“’Tis best we wait until you heal. You must be sore.”
“It will hurt more if you wait.” She pushed him onto his back and rolled on top of him, and as his cock pressed hard and heavy between them, she kissed him back.
“You’re still no’ taking orders very well, love.”
“What order?” She rubbed the hard tips of her breasts over his chest and sighed with delight as they tingled against his crisp hair. Still, it wasn’t enough. Needing more, she wriggled down his body. “I itch to kiss you as you’ve kissed me.”
Gently, she palmed his balls and caressed the smooth skin. His cock strained and bobbed closer to her mouth and she dipped her head and swirled her tongue over him.
“Oh hell.” He caught her face and kept her in place as he arched into her. “I’ve dreamed of you taking me in your mouth again.”
“Mmm, as have I.” She settled her lips over the top of his cock and took him deep. With long pulls, she sucked him, teasing him from root to tip.
“Annie,” he croaked. “I need you to take me inside you. I dinnae wish to come in your pretty mouth.” He dragged her up, spread his hands over her hips and lifted her over his shaft. “Sit on me.”
“Aye, that I would like.” She rubbed his slick head over her clit then slid him between her wet folds. Slowly, inch by inch, she lowered and seated herself fully on top of him. Her channel tightened as even more need poured through her. “What do I do now?”